Home Is Where The Art Is

If you are an artist, a lover of art then I hope that I can inspire you to do what you love.

Thursday, 12 July 2012

Kimmeridge Deadline Is Here People!!!!

It is true to say that many artists are a very disorganized bunch. My Kimmeridge exhibition has been a nightmare to coordinate. Apparently, a deadline is a date that is set by people who want everyone to ignore it but if they remember it they want to be fussed over like they are centre of the universe. I am only to happy to oblige I hasten to add. I am grateful to anybody that does a 'Ronseal'. I thank those of you that do.
If like me you were up at 6.00 am this morning then you like me would probably have been fooled into thinking that today was going to be an absolute scorcher. My bedroom was like someone had switched a light on. There was not a cloud in the sky. If you are out and about now, you will know that we were both wrong.
I had a great day of sales on Tuesday, in fact it was the most sales that I have ever had in one day at the gallery. It was fantastic.
Today is the polar opposite, which is a little depressing. The show is still brilliant so please do pop in and see it.

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