Home Is Where The Art Is

If you are an artist, a lover of art then I hope that I can inspire you to do what you love.

Thursday, 3 March 2011

My Friends Are A Little On The Bony Side!

Introducing my office buddies.........


You should know that sit here with four skulls for company, a kingfisher, a heron, a vole and a pink goose. Everyday they sit in the protective glow of my Mac. I set about drawing them in a variety of ways although I'm yet to draw Vernon (mole). Of course they all have names, I can't share my office with total strangers. Do you know what's interesting? He has very little in the way of eye sockets. Whilst Henrietta, Pinky and Cliff all have massive eye sockets. So there you go.
I am currently drawing Pinky with my left hand, I'm not sure that the drawing will win any prizes but it's an interesting experiment.
I have spent theoretical money on advertising so keep your eyes open as there will be some kind of advert in something you may read locally very soon.
The sun is out and the sky is blue and I feel like I should be outside looking for inspiration in all the wrong places. By that I mean potentially finding dead stuff to draw. I do wonder sometimes if I was ever written about whether they would call me a weirdo obsessed with death. It's ironic really as it's the exact opposite of that. It's the fragility of life that actually interests me far more. Oh well, I won't be chopping my ear off any time soon in frustration or mental anguish. If I did that how could I listen to my music annoyingly loud? Or maybe I could listen to it even louder? There's a thought.
Well I have no other news so I'm going to say ttfn.

1 comment:

  1. So.......With ALL these skulls about......
    What sort of music are you listen'in to...........
    Head Bang'in Music............!!!! :0)

    I've a skull here at home, a fallow deer, with antlers and all, will pop it in next time l'm in Swanage. :) Oh! Deer Oh! Deer.....!
