Home Is Where The Art Is

If you are an artist, a lover of art then I hope that I can inspire you to do what you love.

Thursday 28 June 2012

Busy But Still Blogging!

Well today has been supremely busy and I am sat here now thinking that my list of things to is a bit too daunting. That's how it goes when you are a list writer. I may well have to adopt an ostrich principle and do a bit of head burying before I get stuck in to the hard work. Hence, I am now writing my blog.
My landline at the gallery has decided to stop working which is a huge problem. I am going to have to get that sorted asap.
I knew something was wrong when someone told me that they had left me a long message and it does not appear to be anywhere. That and the fact that it just rang and I picked it up and then nothing happened and it made a curious peeping sound then went dead.
These things are sent to test us. I don't really enjoy the challenge.
Because living in Swanage means that access to new phones etc is extremely limited unless I want to spend a small fortune.
On a more positive note it would seem that Brian and Vic are hitting the right note when it comes to the local audience. Far from being offended which is a response that they have had in the past people are being very positive about it. They appreciate the fact that the female form can be painted/sculpted without any sexual overtones/undertones.
Well, I best get back to it!

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