Home Is Where The Art Is

If you are an artist, a lover of art then I hope that I can inspire you to do what you love.

Friday, 11 October 2013

Be Brave, Be Bold, Be Creative!

It's not every day that I am called brave and innovative. So I'll take that as compliment. It was regarding me battling through the recession with a smile on my face. I won't lie to you that these are hard times with art being fairly down the list of 'must have' priorities. But I believe in what I am doing and I will keep on pushing to bring new art into the South West from as wide a spectrum of artists that I can lay may hands on.

The shame of it is, is that there is a wealth of opportunities that are not being tapped into by the wider world. But you can lead a horse to water but you cant make it drink. I haven't given up all together I keep having conversations that I hope will eventually fall on the right ears. As opposed to the deaf ones that I keep talking to.

Well it is the penultimate day of Stephen's exhibition and it has been well attended. I hope that you have managed to see it. Stephen is giving one of his paintings to a charity details below.

Please support the Gully's Place Trust Fund.
Artist Stephen Bishop has donated Sunrise - Swanage to this worthwhile cause which the Trust will either auction or use in the suite.

To contribute see 

I like to see that artists can support good causes by doing what they do best. 

I hope that you have something great planned for this weekend, I am quite excited about the fact that we are back into the 'roast dinner' weather. I have enjoyed salads but nothing beats a good roast dinner after a brisk walk.

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