Home Is Where The Art Is

If you are an artist, a lover of art then I hope that I can inspire you to do what you love.

Tuesday 4 January 2011

It Started With a Sniff, I Never Knew It Would Come to This!

Happy New Year!
From little coughs giant infections are grown! I apologize for my absence from my Blog but the reality is that I have been struck down by the worst kind of illness. If you don't know what that is I'll explain. It is an illness that disrupts your New Years Eve plans, ages you 25 years, ensures you don't enjoy any of your Christmas presents, fills will you with a years supply of self pity, drains you of any optimism and means that you are the worst possible company for anyone who is unfortunate enough to be around you. In my last Blog I wrote that I had a bad cough, well that was just the start. I am starting to come out the other end of it now and I only sound like I smoke 40 a day as opposed to the 120 a day I sounded like two days ago.
If any of the people who read this have been ill over Christmas I empathize whole heartedly. I hope that you have or are making a speedy recovery.
No one deserves to be ill when the television just spewed out the worst viewing ever. I resorted to watching repeats of programmes I had recently watched, it was dire.
I have not set foot in the gallery as I have been bed ridden for the past week. I will have my second Christmas down there as I have to unwrap and put out all of the fabulous work for the first exhibition.
I have dipped my toe in the real world today and I have to say that it feels pretty good and that I can feel my optimism levels gradually returning back to normal.
I have finished designing my invites for the launch which will be on the 22nd January. I am excited about that. I have sent various emails and today I even had my first proper gallery enquiry.
For those of you who enjoy reading my Blog you'll be happy to know that I am back and you can look forward to daily updates again.

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