Home Is Where The Art Is

If you are an artist, a lover of art then I hope that I can inspire you to do what you love.

Tuesday 28 June 2011

Leap Of Fate

Today has been busy in a fairly random way. So as they say let's begin at the beginning. I had Neil from Deshok come and see me today about updating and upscaling my web presence. It's very exciting to start developing things that mean things are going well. I am going to have so many new bits to look at and interact with I can't wait for that to be underway.
So we spent a while chatting about all the possibilities and it should be good. I'll give you regular updates on my blog.
I've had various artists come in and have some good discussions about the work on show and also plans for the future.
I definitely am an ideas person. I have so many that I have to keep reminding myself that I don't have to do them all at once. Pace yourself.
It's funny there have been fewer people through the door today than yesterday but today most visitors have wanted a chat so it has seemed busier.
The sun is out and I am dressed for cold weather. I am seriously considering having a gallery wardrobe. Where I can leave a change of clothes to suit a variety of weather conditions. Because one thing that's for sure I can't seem to get it right when I am getting ready for work.
Ladies, I can almost hear you screaming 'layers'. I know but I still manage to get that wrong.
I am at the precipice at the moment. It is make your mind up time and I have to move the hundreds of drawings on to the next level. I am there in theory but now it is time to do the work.
So I can either sit here blogcrastinating (a word that I may have to make my own) or I can take the leap. I'm off to find my jumping shoes and of course the right outfit. I'll let you know I got on tomorrow.

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